Your Future Fundraising Framework5 Steps to Fuel Fundraising Success

If there’s one thing that remains constant in the direct marketing fundraising arena, it’s that nothing remains constant. Tactics, creative, approach, mediums and donor behaviors and preferences are ever-evolving, requiring nonprofits to stay on a treadmill of continual evaluation, assessment, testing implemented strategies and experimenting with new ones.

Organizations are aware as never before that they cannot default to past successes, or assume current approaches are the right or only avenue to acquire new donors, retain value donors, lower costs, increase acquisition and boost the bottom line.

A Framework for Donor Acquisition and Retention

Over the coming months, as fundraisers and their advocates assess prior program results and push forward with new visions, goals and strategies, we present in this whitepaper a framework that nonprofits can use to shape acquisition and retention campaigns. Not only to keep up with the fluidity of today’s market and technology, but to develop a solid foundation for future initiatives.

Our framework for nonprofit direct marketing success will help you determine where your donor acquisition and fundraising tactics are stuck in neutral – and give you practical ways to accelerate into the future.

View Full Whitepaper

– Matt Graham is Innovairre’s Chief Technology Officer. If you have any comments or questions for Matt, please direct them to